Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Account Funding Payment Options Panel

The Account Product Funding Payment Options panel enables the ability to capture the payment information required to fund the account products on a Virtual Capture application.

This topic provides an overview of how to configure the Account Product Funding Payment Options panel, as well as an example of the panel functionality in Virtual Capture.

Panel Configuration

The Account Product Funding Payment Options panel can be configured to appear within an Application type screen in System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Screens.

To begin configuring this panel:

Using the Account Product Funding Payment Options Panel in Virtual Capture

When the Account Product Funding Payment Options panel renders in Virtual Capture, a card is displayed for each of the payment options assigned within the panel properties. By default, the first payment option card is selected, which populates the fields specific to the payment option in the panel.

The cards are displayed in alphabetical order by payment option (ACH Transfer, Credit Card, Internal Transfer).

When hovering over the Account Funding Payment Option images, Virtual Capture indicates the alternate text that is available to applicants using a screen reader.

  • When hovering over the Transfer from Financial Institution option, the alternate text indicates "Transfer from Financial Institution Image."
  • When hovering over the Credit Card Payment option, the alternate text indicates "Credit Card Payment Image."

In the above example, the card for ACH Transfer is selected; therefore, the fields required to capture data for the ACH funding type are displayed. If Credit Card Payment is selected, the panel updates as follows:

The Credit Card field masks all values entered, except for the last four digits. Click  to unmask the values in the field. Once unmasked, the values remain visible until the user navigates away from the screen or  is clicked.

If the Internal Transfer payment option is enabled for the panel, and the applicant is a current account holder who logs in through the institution's website, the following card and fields are available to fund an account product:

The card to Transfer between Accounts is not available in the panel if the applicant is a new account holder, and/or does not log in through Single Sign On.

Watch the video below to learn more about the Account Funding Payment Options panel, and see the different property configurations in action:


The Amount field displays for each payment option, and populates the summed total of each required fund amount for the account product(s) associated with an application. For example, if a checking account requires a $5.00 deposit, and a savings account requires a $10.00 deposit, the Amount field displays a total of $15.00. Once the funding information has been added to the application, the system applies the required funding amounts appropriately to each account product.



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